MANY JOBS AVAILABLE & NEW JOBS LISTED EACH WEEK ON OUR WEBSITE: WWW.AMSTAFFING.BIZ NYC NANNY NEEDED baby 10 months old! Kind family makes sure you net $1,450-$1,500 after tax each week (which is $1,800+ per week before tax!) & nanny must be legal to work! APPLICANTS@AMSTAFFING.BIZ Job is live-in Mon-Fri, but if you prefer the family is happy to let you sleep at your own home etc. 1 or 2 nights per week as long as you can stay until 7:30 pm :)
MON-FRI 7:30 am - 11 am, you have a midday break, then you work again 12 noon - 7:30 pm most evenings. There is 1 later night per week each week when you work until 9:30 pm & the baby sleeps the whole time. Total = 57 hours per week. Wonderful & Kind Family! Family lives in Manhattan, NYC from Sept - May. June, July & August you will spend Mon-Fri at family's Long Island beach house. You are free to go home each weekend as well!
Lght hskpng, kitchen & toy clean up, change crib sheets, vacuum stroller, sanitize bottles, healthy light cooking, child's laundry, Loving, energetic & engaging nanny who truly loves children is needed long term! Family plans a 2nd baby. Travel to Florida 4x by plane in the winter, about 7 - 9 days each time. You will be paid extra for extra hours & travel time in Florida. JOB ALTK38NYC Email to apply: APPLICANTS@AMSTAFFING.BIZ